Practical 3: Write a program to add two given numbers at server side using rpcgen command.


struct add


int a;

int b;


program second


version ver


int sum(add)=1;




/* This is sample code generated by rpcgen. These are only templates and you can

use them as a guideline for developing your own functions. */

#include “second.h”

#include “second_clnt.c”  // *** first modification ***********


second_1(char *host)


CLIENT *clnt;

int *result_1;

add sum_1_arg;

printf(“Enter Two Numbers\n”);   // *** second modification ***********

scanf(“%d%d”, &sum_1_arg.a, &sum_1_arg.b);

#ifndef DEBUG

clnt = clnt_create (host, second, ver, “udp”);

if (clnt == NULL) {

clnt_pcreateerror (host);

exit (1);


#endif /* DEBUG */

result_1 = sum_1(&sum_1_arg, clnt);

if (result_1 == (int *) NULL) {

clnt_perror (clnt, “call failed”);


#ifndef DEBUG

clnt_destroy (clnt);

#endif /* DEBUG */



main (int argc, char *argv[])


char *host;

if (argc < 2) {

printf (“usage: %s server_host\n”, argv[0]);

exit (1);


host = argv[1];

second_1 (host);

exit (0);



/* This is sample code generated by rpcgen. These are only templates and you can

use them as a guideline for developing your own functions. */

#include “second.h”

#include “second_svc.c”

int * sum_1_svc(add *argp, struct svc_req *rqstp)


static int result;



return &result;


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